Tag Archives: Rome

SFD Short—Storming and Norming

Safe For Democracy
Safe For Democracy
SFD Short—Storming and Norming

Hey folks,

I know I’m running a little late on the next Iran show, but with some law school stuff, a family reunion, and a neat little piece I’m putting together on Ancient Aliens for The Awl all done by the end of this week, I should have that out soon.

In the meantime though, we’ve got this, following up on our last short about the erosion of democratic norms and the death of republics.

Mitch McConnell seems to be doing his level best to tear down what democracy we’ve got, and not in the service of the New Deal or the Great Society, but in an attempt to pry health insurance out of the hands of the poor to give a minuscule number of hyper-rich Americans a marginal tax cut.

History will not be kind to this monster.

Also, check out our Patreon!  We’ve now got at least one patron pledging $5 monthly, which means that SFD will now be producing a monthly news analysis show (which will be something like this short, but with a little more topical focus and a little like a spoken version of the news posts I was trying out for a while) for patrons who’ve signed up for $5 or more.