Tag Archives: Education

Peace Corps Chats

Safe For Democracy
Safe For Democracy
Peace Corps Chats

Hey folks—

It’s a longish show where myself and some Peace Corps friends of mine talk about two of the last few shorts, Liberal Arts, Again and Land and Food and Capitalism.

The audio isn’t anything I could have wanted, and the looseness isn’t everything I did want, but it’s the first of what may be a series of more, better talks.

It’s cut way down from the original runtime, which tightened it up some, and in any case I think it’s worth your time.

Liberal Arts, Again

Safe For Democracy
Safe For Democracy
Liberal Arts, Again

I’ve been saying, for longer than it was exactly true, that everything’s bad and it’s only getting worse. The world’s come around to my point of view though, and at least in the US, almost a year out now from the inauguration, it certainly seems to be going that way. The President’s interviews, when anybody can work up the stomach to go read them, are getting less and less coherent all the time; the man’s tweets more unhinged; the Mueller investigation ever closer even as the Republican Congress shows itself totally unwilling to accept the results and Republicans in investigatory committees complicit in covering up wrongdoing. The country’s shaking itself apart up top, and while the reason those people are there might well be down to grand historical forces, the stuff they’re doing now that they’ve arrived is down to deeply broken humanities and very personal failures.

I think some of that’s down to education, and like all people who think a problem’s due to lack of schooling, I think it’s down to the right or wrong kind of education, and that’s what we’ll get to in this show.

Liberal Arts is the previous show on this subject, and Liberal Arts is the previous essay.

Musical credit to Ryan Little this time out.

SFD Short—Alternate Realities

Safe For Democracy
Safe For Democracy
SFD Short—Alternate Realities

“Well, now that we have seen each other,” said the Unicorn, “if you’ll believe in me, I’ll believe in you.”

Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

Another SFD short brought to you already by SFD.

I’m going to be starting up a Patreon, probably sometime next week, and when I do, for the first thirty days, signing up with me will result in Patreon sending bonus cash to Robert Morris, the guy I talked to the other week.

So when I get on that, think about signing up for a buck a show so that I can keep making this podcast and keep eating beans and corn and, sometimes, squash.

Also chiles and corn fungus
Tried and true!

Keeping these brief, enjoy the show, tell your friends.

SFD Short—Liberal Arts

Safe For Democracy
Safe For Democracy
SFD Short—Liberal Arts

This is the fourth short, adapted from something I wrote way back in the day when I was still fighting the good fight.

Back when I was in the Peace Corps. I told you guys I was in the Peace Corps, right? Peace Corps.

I told you folks last week that I’d be having a talk with Robert Morris of the More Freedom Foundation on YouTube Live this week. Well, turns out my internet here in Guadalajara absolutely will not support the Live part of that. So we’re still gonna chat, but we’re gonna record ourselves and I’ll slap the whole thing together afterwards.

In case you missed it last time:

Robert runs a YouTube channel called the More Freedom Foundation and his latest project is a series of short videos called Everybody’s Lying About Islam and it is dynamite. Try the first one on here, and watch the rest of them right afterwards:

Keep one eyeball on SFD’s or my social media and I’ll let you know where and how it’ll be.

SFD Short—Forgetfulness

Safe For Democracy
Safe For Democracy
SFD Short—Forgetfulness

This is the third short and the first entirely new one, although I’ll get it typed up and post it like any other blog and then link it here sometime this week.

The big news this time though is that sometime next week I’ll be having a long conversation with a guy named Robert Morris on YouTube Live that’ll become, soon after, a talky episode of SFD.

Robert runs a YouTube channel called the More Freedom Foundation and his latest project is a series of short videos called Everybody’s Lying About Islam and it is dynamite. Try the first one on here, and watch the rest of them right afterwards:

Keep one eyeball on SFD’s or my social media and I’ll let you know when the live thing’s going on. Either way, it’ll end up as a podcast and you’ll be able to get it however you normally do.