About SFD

Safe For Democracy comes in two parts: the podcast and the blog. The show’ll be more or less straight history, in episodes around 90 minutes long, using as many episodes as we need to cover a given topic.  The blog will catch everything else. Stray thoughts, substantive thoughts, any ephemera we turn up while researching the show.

We’re open as hell to commentary, suggestions, and audience participation, so reach out here or on Twitter or Facebook and we’ll get back to you.

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My name is Jonathan Coumes, and I run Safe for Democracy. I research, write, record, and edit the show, and I maintain this site and the blog.

Making the world safe for democracy
This is me

I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mexico for a while, and I ran a pretty fair blog.  Now I’m back where I volunteered, working on this podcast and freelancing.

I’d love to talk to you and hear what you think about the show or anything else. You can find me on Twitter, at Safe for Democracy’s Facebook page, through the contact form on this page, or in the comments on this site.

Happy listening, folks.


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